Google Workspace for Education partner

Vital York Limited > Google Workspace for Education partner

Your approved Google Workspace for Education technology partner

Vital York Limited is a Google Workspace for Education Partner and one of a small number of companies across the UK, authorised as a Google Chrome Education License reseller. We also offer a range of Google products and services to our customers.


Why do schools need Google Chrome for Education Upgrade Licenses?

A device management license allows an administrator in a school the ability to manage all of their chrome devices from a single place.Β 

What exactly is a Google ChromeΒ for Education UpgradeΒ License?

A Google Chrome for Education Upgrade License is used to configure settings and enforce policies for a specific Chrome device. Administrators can manage and configure more than 200 features and policies for Chrome devices, giving you full device control from one central location.Β The license gives you access to device settings that let you control user access, customise features, configure network access and more.

This is an education only license and is perpetual, which means the license will last the lifetime of the device. This license can be migrated to a same model replacement in the event of a hardware failure.


Further information

If you require any further details including cost information, please contact us on T: 0344 873 6100 or Email:

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