Exploring AI in Education

Vital York Limited > Exploring AI in Education
Join us for a twilight training session

Exploring AI in Education

Join us online for a twilight session on:

Date: Tuesday 21 May 2024
Time: 3:30-4.45pm

We’re offering an opportunity to find out more about how to embrace AI in the classroom. The session, led by Jake Reeves-Kemp, Ebor Academy Trust Computing Specialist, will delve into the many possibilities and benefits of AI, in addition to looking at some of the best AI assistants for colleagues working in education.
Our twilight training session provides a great CPD opportunity and it’s completely FREE.
Don’t miss the chance to unlock the full potential of AI in education!

Would you like to join us?

To register for the AI in Education twilight session on Tuesday 21 May, please click the button below, fill out the short form and we’ll then send you the joining link the day before the event.

Any questions?

If you have any questions about the twilight session, please don’t hesitate to contact us:

T: 0344 873 6100
E: info@vitalyork.com